Cosmetic Surgery

Dr. Michael Cutler

What to expect during a dermal filler procedure

Inevitably, with age, comes a loss of fullness and support in the face. Certain areas may appear to sag while others may look hollow. Dermal fillers can help “replace” that loss to help cheekbones look high and sculpted as well as make other face and even body shape changes that can be quite profound. 

Dr. Michael Cutler

Using your own fat for plumper cheeks, lips and more

Many women are taking advantage of dermal fillers to fight the effects of gravity. Most of the time, these cosmetic procedures go off without a hitch… but occasionally one of the top listed risks is an allergic reaction at the injection site that can affect the whole body. But when you use your own fat…

Joyce Hollman

What women need to know about breast implants linked to cancer

In some women, breast implants may be associated with a constellation of symptoms known as “breast implant illness.” These symptoms include chronic fatigue, pain, cognitive and immune problems. But there’s a bigger danger. A type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has been linked exclusively to some implants…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Is a ‘thread lift’ for you?

A face-lift may not be something you would consider. The thought of going under the knife and weeks of downtime and pain is not appealing. But there are many new procedures shown to be safe and effective these days, with little to no downtime. If you’ve thought about lifting your laugh lines, let me tell you about…

Joyce Hollman

Are breast implants worth the cancer and autoimmune risks?

What lengths would you go to reshape your body so that it more closely matches the “ideal” women’s figure? Would you mind being inconvenienced or uncomfortable for a few days or a week? How do you feel about pain? What about cancer?

Dr. Michael Cutler

3 ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite

What’s good about the seasons changing from summer to fall? Most of us think it’s the cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage. But sadly, there are a lot of people, mostly women, who are glad to see swimsuit and shorts season go. Why? Cellulite…