
Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin B6 joins the fight against COVID-19

Vaccines are now available for COVID-19, but many people are struggling to get an appointment. Research has explored the benefits of vitamins D and C and minerals like zinc and magnesium in fortifying the immune system against the virus. But one critical vitamin has been missing, until now.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The high-risk link between gum disease and COVID-19

From the beginning of the pandemic, experts noticed patterns in what appeared to be completely senseless and random to the rest of us. That was that certain conditions were the reason some survived COVID-19 and others didn’t. Still, seemingly healtlhy people were dying. Was it their oral health?

Carolyn Gretton

Going after COVID-19 in the nose

It makes a lot of sense to target the nose if you want to cut down on COVID-19 transmission. The virus enters the human body through the nasal epithelial cells, which are meant to serve as a barrier. That’s why protection may soon be delivered through a nasal spray.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two words on the problem with face shields: Vortex rings

While we eagerly await word from the experts on how much longer wearing a mask could be a daily part of our lives to avoid COVID-19 transmission, many have switched to clear face shields to mitigate the downsides of cloth masks. But are they as safe?

Carolyn Gretton

The vitamin deficiency putting diabetics in danger from COVID-19

It’s smart to make sure you’re getting the right level of vitamins and minerals in your diet. But COVID-19 is making this more important than ever. Case in point: a study that shows a link between deficiency of a crucial vitamin and severe COVID-19, especially if you’re diabetic…

Carolyn Gretton

Higher omega-3 levels may lower COVID-19 death risk

Combatting inflammation is important in treating COVID-19. But many of the anti-inflammatories tested by researchers either don’t help or can actually worsen the condition. One hopeful sign is a connection between reduced mortality risk from the virus and an essential nutrient that douses killer inflammation…