
Carolyn Gretton

How to get the most out of your N95 masks

As we’re coming out of the omicron wave, many places are beginning to lift mask mandates, but there are still areas where you may still need to wear a mask — like on public transit and airplanes, as well as in airports. That begs the question: How often can you reuse an N95 mask?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

COVID’s Alzheimer’s-like damage on the brain

Brain fog, fatigue and other neurological and psychiatric symptoms of long COVID syndrome plague many survivors. But there may be more to deal with, including markers of brain damage normally seen with Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘blue zone’ that defied COVID-19

If you ever needed an argument to believe that food is medicine, then this should get your attention: In a tale of two Japanese cities, one seems to have defied the worst of COVID-19, and doctors believe it comes down to their blue zone diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Evidence long COVID zaps your cellular power generators

Long COVID can keep people from returning to living their normal lives. Researchers have struggled to find a commonality between the young and old, and mild and severe infections that result in it. Until they dug into the single source that supplies energy to every cell in the human body…

Carolyn Gretton

Can stress increase your odds of getting COVID-19?

Stress is associated with all kinds of health problems. Prolonged stress can raise your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, not to mention early death. Then, is it so far-fetched to think it contributes to your susceptibility to COVID-19?

Joyce Hollman

Why you shouldn’t wait to increase your vitamin D

When you think of vitamin D, you likely think about bone health. But during the pandemic, vitamin D has come to the forefront for another reason… one that proves adequate levels matter not only during infection but before you ever come face to face with the villain.