
Joyce Hollman

The mineral that works like ‘insurance’ against dementia

If you’re health conscious, you might focus on getting important nutrients like vitamins through diet or by supplementing. But how much mind do you pay to minerals? There’s one that half of us are deficient in. Considering it just might be the best insurance against dementia, that’s a problem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Anti-inflammatory diet slashed dementia 31% in high-risk group

Inflammation can lead to problems in specific areas, like the brain. That’s why people with a cardiometabolic disease have higher odds of dementia. But research proved the power of diet to not only take down inflammation but substantially reduce dementia risk.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Ditch these foods found to accelerate brain aging

Something about starting my day with food I know does my brain and body good, gives me some incentive to keep that healthy momentum going. But when I splurge on the weekends, I’m doing more damage than I thought. Avoid these on your breakfast table to avoid a setup for dementia…

Carolyn Gretton

7-decade study reveals lifetime of diet on dementia risk

Cognitive performance can keep improving well into middle age, but typically begins to decline after the age of 65. And severe conditions such as dementia can develop alongside these aging-related declines. 70 years says there’s one sure fire way to avoid them…

Joyce Hollman

The ties between vitamin D and dementia thicken

Little has been researched more than vitamin D’s relationship to brain health. In fact, a search of medical databases will pull thousands of hits on this dementia repellent. So why do researchers keep going back for more? If there could be a magic pill, vitamin D may be the closest we get…

Carolyn Gretton

3 factors that age your brain’s weak spot the fastest

Our brains have a “weak spot.” It begins to show degeneration earlier than other areas of the brain. In other words, it ages faster. The good news is research narrowed a long list of factors that affect this weak spot down to three that age it the fastest so you can avoid them…