
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Huge study shows fitness is Alzheimer’s kryptonite

If you still cringe at headlines about fitness and health, you may think the benefits only apply to elite athletes. You’d be wrong. A 9-year study on almost 650,000 average Joe’s has proven you can pick the level you can commit to and make a dent in your dementia risk…

Carolyn Gretton

How age, diabetes and dementia intersect

A growing body of research has established a link between diabetes and dementia. But where they intersect could triple dementia risk. That intersection? The age when prediabetes becomes full-blown type 2 diabetes…

Joyce Hollman

10 signs of early-onset dementia

Early-onset dementia can hit much earlier than you might think. And even though a few signs are similar to what older people experience, some stand out. It’s important to know them and how up to 40 percent of early-onset cases may be avoided…

Carolyn Gretton

What your get-up-and-go says about a sinister sign of aging

Most of us expect we’ll slow down at least a little as we age. But it doesn’t mean we need to sit back and wait to see what happens. In recent years, the connection between a healthy body and sound mind have been made clear: lose your get-up-and-go and your mind will follow…

Joyce Hollman

Laxatives linked to high dementia risk

Chronic constipations affects more Americans than care to admit. If you’re one of them and reach for laxatives for relief, take a close look at the type and how many you use. Your future brain health may depend on it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Frontotemporal: The dementia that may be ‘repairable’

There are many different types of dementia, but no cures. One type though, known for severe behavioral changes, has been found to be rooted in a cause that could be repaired, reversing the disease..