
Joyce Hollman

Art by the numbers boosts seniors’ mental health

Older adults are at higher risk for depression. They can also fall victim to anxiety. You may have heard of paint by the numbers, but it’s art by the numbers that can give them the mental health boost they need…

Carolyn Gretton

A ‘persistent’ feeling linked to fatty liver disease

The number of people impacted by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has been growing for a while now. In addition to the usual list of risks, a persistent feeling could be a clue you’re next…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Depression can bring on physical illness 30% faster

Depression is considered a mental condition. But a new look at how it affects us in middle and old age has revealed it should be viewed as a “whole body” condition that multiplies and accelerates the development of physical illness.

Carolyn Gretton

A signal before stroke and dementia

Short telomeres are linked to diseases of aging, including a recently added trio of brain conditions. But researchers now think this biomarker of cellular aging may not be the cause, but part of the remedy if we heed it…

Carolyn Gretton

The scientific reason it really is better to give than receive

Everyone loves giving and getting gifts. But it seems we enjoy gift-giving a bit more. Turns out the old adage “it’s better to give than to receive” is actually true in terms of the response it elicits from your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

Twins help reveal powerful reason diet links to depression

For years, the answer to depression has been drugs that often don’t work and lead to depressing side effects. But an 11-year twin study provides unique insight on food’s strong link to the mood disorder…