Digestive Support

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common medications that increase migraine risk by 70%

Migraines are like headaches on steroids. Bigger and badder. Treatment typically requires serious medication. But ironically, some medications for another very common condition can give anyone up to a 70 percent greater chance of suffering migraine.

Carolyn Gretton

The spice that works like medicine for acid reflux

If you haven’t heard, proton pump inhibitors come with some alarming side effects. If only there were a risk-free natural remedy that could provide the relief you desperately need. You’re in luck! Researchers tested one they say is just as effective for acid reflux…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Move over high blood pressure: There’s a new ‘silent killer’

Hypertension has long been the silent killer, damaging blood vessels without obvious symptoms until heart disease develops. However, experts are warning about a new silent killer, just as pervasive and sneaky, making up 60 percent of the average American adult’s diet…

Joyce Hollman

The factor inflating H. pylori’s gastric cancer risk by 45%

For most, the common bacteria H. pylori has no symptoms. But for some it leads to all sorts of gastric problems, like heartburn, indigestion, gastritis and gastric cancer. Now, research has found a troubling factor that can ramp that cancer risk way up…

Jenny Smiechowski

The ingredient sunscreen and cheese have in common

Titanium dioxide as an ingredient in sunscreen. But it’s a food additive as well. A food grade version is found in everything from chewing gum to cheese to chocolate to condiments. In fact, it is in so many everyday foods, you should know how it’s fueling poor health and chronic disease…

Carolyn Gretton

The uncomfortable condition Americans won’t talk about

Too many Americans suffer from chronic bloating — that tight, heavy, swollen feeling in your abdomen that can be caused by a number of conditions. What’s worse, few are seeking help. If you’re one of them, you don’t have to suffer in silence…