
Carolyn Gretton

How fitness influences Afib and stroke risk

The most dangerous outcome of atrial fibrillation is stroke. People with this heart rhythm disorder have five times the stroke risk of their peers. How can you avoid being one of the 40 million worldwide with Afib? Research says a low level of fitness should do the trick…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Brain rejuvenation secret discovered circulating in our blood

Researchers had one goal: Discover exactly why three interventions have been found to turn back the clock on an aging brain. They didn’t expect to find a common denominator. And they certainly didn’t expect to find it already circulating in our blood…

Joyce Hollman

10 NEAT ways to burn calories without trying

What makes the difference between putting weight on and keeping it off? It’s already part of your daily routine, so why not put it to work? Here’s why it works, how to add more to your life, and the internal Apple Watch that tries to keep you moving and losing…

Carolyn Gretton

How to keep insulin from shrinking your brain

When you don’t have blood sugar problems, most of us don’t give our insulin levels a seond thought. But research has found that as we age, what’s happening in the brain can differ from what’s going on in the body…

Joyce Hollman

VILPA: Your ticket to low cancer risk when you hate exercise

Move over HIT, here comes VILPA, and if you’ve been beating yourself up for not exercising and missing out on benefits like a lower risk of cancer, find out how adding a little gusto to every day activities can lessen your risks of developing certain cancers up to 32 percent!

Joyce Hollman

10 minutes a day helps keep flu from turning fatal

The flu may be the furthest thing from your mind this summer. But Australia is having an intense flu season right now, an indication we may too. If you’ve got 10 minutes a day, you can start doing something now that could keep a bout of flu or pneumonia from turning fatal.