Green tea

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is green tea the holy grail for brain health?

Green tea has a reputation as a holy grail for preventing a plethora of conditions. But against those that steal your memories and cognitive abilities, the evidence seems to go both ways. Take the guesswork out of brain and memory support…

Joyce Hollman

The drink to save your heart from high-fat stress eating

When life gets stressful, stress eating on high-fat food is a common reaction. But that bag of chips compounds the dangerous impact of stress on your heart. The right drink, though, contains nutrients powerful enough to dial it back…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 serious reasons to rethink lash extensions

Eyelash extensions are a popular, non-surgical way to improve on what Mother Nature didn’t give you or takes back when menopause nears. Just like hair, eyelashes thin, become brittle and lose their upward curve. But before heading to the salon, you need to weigh some serious risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that takes down gum disease-causing bacteria

If there’s one thing you should know about gum disease it’s this: it’s not just a “mouth” problem. It’s linked to weight gain, heart problems, brain shrinkage and even loss of longevity. Avoiding it may be just a few cups away with the right tea…

Carolyn Gretton

How green tea may shrink uterine fibroids

By age 50, up to 80 percent of women suffer with uterine fibroids. These non-cancerous tumors cause lower back pain, heavy bleeding, exhaustion, pain during sex, complications during pregnancy and bladder trouble. Research shows a tea habit may help…

Carolyn Gretton

Matcha tea: Nature’s antidepressant in a cup

It’s not uncommon to feel down on occasion. But persistent feelings of sadness that impact daily life could indicate depression. Even with treatment, up to a third feel left out in the cold. With those odds, it’s helpful to know a warm cup of the right tea could help.