Green tea

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that takes down gum disease-causing bacteria

If there’s one thing you should know about gum disease it’s this: it’s not just a “mouth” problem. It’s linked to weight gain, heart problems, brain shrinkage and even loss of longevity. Avoiding it may be just a few cups away with the right tea…

Carolyn Gretton

How green tea may shrink uterine fibroids

By age 50, up to 80 percent of women suffer with uterine fibroids. These non-cancerous tumors cause lower back pain, heavy bleeding, exhaustion, pain during sex, complications during pregnancy and bladder trouble. Research shows a tea habit may help…

Carolyn Gretton

Matcha tea: Nature’s antidepressant in a cup

It’s not uncommon to feel down on occasion. But persistent feelings of sadness that impact daily life could indicate depression. Even with treatment, up to a third feel left out in the cold. With those odds, it’s helpful to know a warm cup of the right tea could help.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Green tea extracts may turn superfood’s benefits harmful

Green tea boasts the most disease-fighting power in each and every sip. From improving weight loss and blood pressure to protecting DNA, it’s often considered the holy grail of teas. So, wouldn’t leveling up with high-dose green tea extract be even better?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

There’s more than meets the eye about how our arteries harden

Hardening of the arteries seems to be one of those things we just expect with age. It can destroy heart function, lead to heart attack, even death. But we’ve learned more about the process that causes arteries to harden, and that’s valuable information if you want to try to avoid this killer…

Joyce Hollman

The one drink breast cancer survivors should avoid

Despite increased awareness of the downsides of soda, half the population consumes sugary drinks on a given day. One in four people gets at least 200 calories from soda, while five percent get at least 567, the equivalent of four cans of soda a day. For a breast cancer survivor, that could be a death sentence. Here’s why and the drink to toast your longevity to instead.