Gum Disease

Carolyn Gretton

4 ways mouth breathing wrecks your health

Do you often wake up in a puddle of drool? Is your mouth drier than the Mojave desert in the morning? These are annoying signs of a common issue that can impact your health far more seriously than you ever dreamed. From bad teeth to low oxygen, mouth breathing takes a toll…

Carolyn Gretton

The link between your toothbrush and silent brain damage

Over the years, we’ve learned more about how the health of your mouth can affect your entire body. But oral health risk factors that contribute to stroke prompted research into how caring for your mouth could save your brain from silent damage…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Another reason to floss: Atrial fibrillation

Is your gum health a priority? If not, listen up: a disease of the gums that can lead to bleeding and bad breath, can also leave your heart scarred and struggling to maintain a healthy rhythm…

Carolyn Gretton

The strong link between gum disease and heart failure

It’s pretty astonishing that medical professionals still treat the mouth as separate from the rest of the body. Research has already shown how strongly connected it is to other organs, particularly the heart. Now, an underlying factor in gum disease can skyrocket risk for heart failure.

Carolyn Gretton

The link between oral health and viral defense

The mouth can be a gateway for all kinds of viruses, including the one that causes COVID-19. And now, researchers have discovered how keeping your mouth healthy can help defend against these viruses — and how letting your oral health lapse can reduce that protection…

Joyce Hollman

Health risks that could decrease if dentists talked to doctors

The connection between gum disease and more serious health problems is no secret. But recent large-scale research has painted a more comprehensive picture, and it’s not pretty. It’s time to stop thinking of the mouth as an independent system of its own…