Health News

Joyce Hollman

Are these foods behind your chronic insomnia?

Stress, pain, bathroom trips, frequent screen time and irregular sleep habits can add up to occassional sleeplessness. Chronic insomnia, where sleep is elusive night after night can be maddening. But a growing connection means a simple solution may be in reach…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soak up the sun to ramp up your calorie-burning metabolism

Spending time in the sun isn’t just fun and recreational. It’s a great way to power up your health with the sunshine vitamin. But as if you needed one more reason, it turns out catching some rays has quite an advantageous effect on burning fat and calories…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How this sneaky protein triggers leaky gut syndrome

With the incidence of leaky gut and celiac disease on the rise, people are left suffering as doctors struggle to get to the root of the problem. Luckily, researchers are shining a light on how leaks form in the gut lining, providing hope for treatments that work…

Joyce Hollman

Why poor balance is a sure sign of a shorter life

If you don’t use it, you lose it as you age, specifically muscle strength and flexibility. But balance may not be something you give much thought to, at least not its impact on how long you live or how early you die. Here’s a test than can answer that for you…

Carolyn Gretton

When weight loss is a sign to get checked for these cancers

Losing weight without trying may seem like the Holy Grail for anyone struggling to shed some excess pounds. However, unintentional weight loss may be an early sign of one of these developing cancers…

Joyce Hollman

Hidden food allergies and the link to heart damage

What if you had a food allergy to a common allergen, like milk, peanuts or shellfish, but it was mild enough that you had none of the typical symptoms? New findings say continuing to eat an offending food could cause heart damage that could shorten your life…