Heart Attack

Joyce Hollman

The viral heart risk that’s greatest for boomers

Liver problems are often serious. But some chronic liver conditions often go under the radar. That doesn’t mean they’re not doing damage, and not only to your liver. Even though they can affect anyone, if you’re a boomer like me, this is urgent for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S. We know what the risks are. But how do your personal risks add up? You see your doctor once a year, but is that enough to avoid the number one killer of men and women in this country?

Joyce Hollman

The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The human body is complex. Conditions that may seem unrelated can have connections below the surface, like diabetes and the increased risk for heart problems. And as if it couldn’t get more complex, there’s the “silent heart” attack factor…

Carolyn Gretton

Movements that reduce risk for heart attack and stroke in minutes

They say fewer than one in five middle-aged adults gets enough exercise. But what about all the other types of movement you get in a day? You’ll be shocked at what researchers found when they measured those benefits…

Joyce Hollman

The fast health benefits of taking the stairs

Not everyone has the knees to take the stairs. But if you’re able to, you should know it’s the answer to two types of exercise in one and can turn back several factors that add up to metabolic syndrome, heart attack and stroke in just a matter of weeks…

Carolyn Gretton

The heart attack that happens when coronary arteries are clear

For women, heart attack symptoms differ from men. But the differences don’t end there. A heart attack is usually caused by a blockage in one of the main coronary arteries. But a type of heart attack can occur when those arteries are crystal clear, and it’s becoming more common in women…