Heart Attack

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure-lowering vegetables that take down stroke risk

One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, heart attack and stroke is high blood pressure. It’s also a risk factor you can take down by eating the right foods. We’ve created a short-cut list for you of the best veggies research says can lower each of these risks…

Joyce Hollman

9 strange symptoms of heart trouble you can’t ignore

Would you know if you were having a heart attack? Conventional wisdom says that chest pain, sweating and shortness of breath are classic signs. But there are others that aren’t talked about nearly as often. Don’t mistake these symptoms…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The menopause link to 40% of deaths in women

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, and at no time in her life is that risk higher than when transitioning through menopause. Thanks to advanced blood tests, now we know why and what doctors need to watch to keep women from trending to insulin resistance, stroke and heart attack…

Joyce Hollman

The viral heart risk that’s greatest for boomers

Liver problems are often serious. But some chronic liver conditions often go under the radar. That doesn’t mean they’re not doing damage, and not only to your liver. Even though they can affect anyone, if you’re a boomer like me, this is urgent for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S. We know what the risks are. But how do your personal risks add up? You see your doctor once a year, but is that enough to avoid the number one killer of men and women in this country?

Joyce Hollman

The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The human body is complex. Conditions that may seem unrelated can have connections below the surface, like diabetes and the increased risk for heart problems. And as if it couldn’t get more complex, there’s the “silent heart” attack factor…