Heart Attack

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lasting damage anger does to your blood vessels

Emotions like anger, sadness and anxiety have long been associated with heart attack. We often imagine one big event that pushes our emotions over the edge and sends us to the ER. But it’s the short bursts of anger you should be worried about unless you’ve already got some protection…

Joyce Hollman

Think twice about beta-blockers after a heart attack

Beta-blockers are often prescribed to prevent a second heart attack. But they come with risks of their own. And research shows not everyone benefits from them. This new information will help you talk to your doctor before you decide if they’re right for you.

Carolyn Gretton

How heart disease fuels cancer growth

There are a few risk factors that heart disease and cancer have in common, including smoking, diabetes and obesity. But a new connection that has surfaced goes deep inside the body and involves an injured or diseased heart’s release of tiny bubbles that promote the growth of cancer cells.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The down-the-road dangers of heart attack

Experts say quick emergency treatment is why seven in ten people now survive a heart attack. But the road they face post-heart attack won’t be an easy one. It’s the beginning of working even harder to secure their health, and why anyone should try that much harder to avoid a first attack…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The menopause-migraine link to heart attack and stroke

Heart problems in women are risky enough for reasons like having symptoms doctors are slower to recognize. But a life transition there’s no escape from and higher odds for migraine makes matters worse. Here’s what you need to know about this risky combination and how to protect yourself…

Carolyn Gretton

Your organs may be aging faster: What it means for you

Scientists have shifted their focus from chronological age to biological age. They’re finding biological age is a much more accurate measure of our health. That’s even more relevant when you know your organs can experience accelerated aging. Here’s what that could mean for you…