DIY Health

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The dangers of a fatty liver and how to protect yourself

Most of us think of liver problems in relation to how much alcohol we drink. But, while alcohol can damage your liver, there is a much sneakier cause of liver damage that you could be living with right now and not even know it. It’s called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD for short.

Dr. Michael Cutler

High fiber foods: The good and the bad

Fiber is one nutrient no one can afford to go without. Let’s look at the powerful health benefits of high fiber food and which ones you’ll want to be wary of, the difference in soluble and insoluble fiber, how much you need for disease-prevention and the best high-fiber foods to get the job done…

Joyce Hollman

The best drink for staying hydrated (Hint: It’s NOT water or Gatorade)

Mild dehydration can harm your brain, your joints, your heart and other bodily systems more quickly than you’d imagine. But what’s the best drink to replace those lost fluids? The answer might surprise you…

Jenny Smiechowski

Try this smelly approach to kicking your cigarette habit for good

Smokers are a dying a breed. And I don’t mean literally (although, statistically smokers do die a lot sooner than non-smokers). I mean that fewer people are smoking today than ever. Yet there are still 40 million Americans who smoke. Go figure. If you’re having trouble kicking the habit, I bet you haven’t tried this…

Joyce Hollman

The drug-free pain therapy of the future is here

If you suffer from pain that won’t go away, you’ve probably tried everything to get relief. If only you could trick your body into not feeling the pain, right? Well, a new “brain hack” holds bright promise for being able to distract our brains so completely that pain isn’t even an issue…

Dr. Michael Cutler

8 ways to save your thinning hair

If you’re not one to pay for expensive hair restoration treatments such as platelet rich plasma, low level laser light therapy, or hair transplant surgery, consider these remedies made using natural products right at home…