DIY Health

Jenny Smiechowski

Baking soda: The next big thing in autoimmune disease treatment?

Baking soda is a useful thing to have around. You can use it for baking, cleaning, brushing your teeth, relieving bug bites, keeping your fridge fresh and more. But what if baking soda’s potential goes far beyond these uses — and extends to saving you from autoimmune diseases…

Joyce Hollman

How many steps a day does it take to keep your brain young?

A good, brisk walk can improve your mood, get the blood flowing and help you concentrate. But there’s more to it than that. When I read the two pieces of research I’m about to share with you, I promised myself I’d start walking daily, and make sure to get in the magic number of steps needed to save my brain…

Joyce Hollman

Coconut oil stops this deadly gut bacteria in its tracks

The down side of antibiotics is that they kill “good” bacteria that protect us from infection. This creates an imbalance that allows dangerous bacteria to grow. One such bacteria that resides in our gut kills about 29,000 people each year. Fortunately, you can destroy it naturally…

Joyce Hollman

A spring guide to beating bug bites and infection

As winter is ending and spring is poking her head out, it’s time for us to get outside, too! Time to enjoy the spring sunshine by walking, biking, canoeing or just strolling around the neighborhood. Too bad the bugs are coming out of hibernation, too.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 really weird signs you might have heart disease

We’re conditioned to think of certain signs when it comes to heart disease… things that are going on inside our bodies as a result of changes in the health of our heart and blood vessels, like high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. But, did you know there are outward signs too?

Easy Health Options Staff

3 sneaky reasons your vision goes bad (and how to save it)

As you age, your eyes are especially vulnerable to damage that reduces your ability to see. Here are 3 sneaky causes of vision loss that you can avoid, and 3 easy ways to protect your peepers…