
Carolyn Gretton

Hashimoto’s: An often misdiagnosed thyroid disorder

An underactive thyroid can make you tired, achy, overweight and lead to mysterious symptoms including anxiety. That’s why it’s important to know if your thyroid is working as it should. If not, it could be due to an increasingly common and misdiagnosed autoimmune disorder…

Joyce Hollman

Insulin resistance: Early signs and ditching the diabetes danger

Insulin resistance isn’t a disease state. It is an early warning, though, that if things don’t change, that’s exactly where you body’s headed. But if you’re only focusing on food and weight loss, you missing some very important pieces of the puzzle…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women and the long-term effects of chronic fatigue syndrome

Certain diseases affect women disproportionately, like chronic fatigue syndrome. Though the medical establishment recognizes the condition, they can offer little help. But the world’s largest study of the disease reveals why it’s important to try to manage your symptoms better now than later…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sneaky gland causing cholesterol problems

If statin side effects weren’t bad enough, there’s the fact you may not even need those drugs in the first place. Your high cholesterol could actually be the result of a completely different health problem.

Carolyn Gretton

For infection prevention, hit the sheets

A lot of us don’t spend enough time in the bedroom. Then again, some of us could be spending a little too much time there. Why does it matter? Your time between the sheets has been linked to how well you can fight off infection.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is your thyroid causing your cholesterol trouble?

From muscle pain to kidney problems and double the dementia risk, it’s no wonder people are wary of statins. Besides those concerns, targeting high levels with statins, might not get to the root of your problem. That’s because cholesterol problems can start in a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland that produces some of the body’s most important hormones instead of your blood vessels.