
Carolyn Gretton

The shocking reason pneumonia is so deadly for seniors

Pneumonia is a dangerous condition for older adults. They’re nearly five times more likely to be hospitalized with it and half won’t come out alive. New research has revealed a surprising insight as to why: It has as much to do with the gut as it does with the lungs…

Joyce Hollman

The pain mistake we’ve been making for years (even doctors!)

When we’re injured, pain and inflammation occur. At home, and at the doctor’s offices, anti-inflammatories have been the answer. But we’re learning that interfering with that inflammatory response can backfire and turn short-term pain into a long-term problem.

Carolyn Gretton

Inflammation: The reason calorie restriction equals longer life

Calorie restriction equals weight loss. But there’s a lot more it does for the body, like promoting a longer disease-free life. And Yale researchers have found a way to get those big benefits without having to actually alter caloric intake.

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke danger: Why plaque thins and breaks off

Strokes can happen in an instant. And the mechanisms that lead to some strokes and most heart attacks involve ruptured arterial plaque. But until recently, researchers haven’t been able to determine exactly why that happens…

Margaret Cantwell

What a week of pain relievers does to your heart

You may not realize just how quickly some painkillers can take a toll on your heart. You don’t have to take these drugs for years and years to experience an elevated heart attack risk. Damage can be done by taking them for just one week.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Eczema: The early vitamin intervention that could stop it

We know eczema can be a frustrating, uncomfortable, and, for some, distressing condition to deal with. But what you might not know, however, is that the peak prevalence of the disease occurs in early childhood. Early intervention with a vitamin that helps adults with the condition might stop it.