
Virginia Tims-Lawson

Walk this way to add 11 extra years to your life

Do you need a little incentive to be more active? Who doesn’t? My favorite part of the day is when I get to put my feet up and relax, if only for a short while. But when I learned I could trade some of that time for 11 extra years, I was on board, almost…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The healthy aging secret under our noses

While everyone has been looking for a way to live healthier longer, it appears the simplest answer has been under our noses. A review of dozens of studies shows our favorite drink challenges 7 pillars of aging…

Joyce Hollman

8 steps to slow aging as much as six years

The American Heart Association has a running list on how to achieve optimal heart health. As a nation, we’ve got a lousy score. But an unexpected finding of adhering to this list doesn’t just mean a higher score… it can help you turn your age back as much as 6 years.

Jordan Fuller

Why golf is the ultimate social sport for healthy aging 

Aging gracefully is about more than just adding years to your life. It’s about enriching those years with health, vitality and connection. Golf can help because it’s more than just a sport — it’s a pathway to a longer, fuller life. 

Joyce Hollman

What standing on one leg reveals about aging

How well do you think you’re aging? Considering all we now know about slowing the rate of aging so we can reduce risks for functional decline and disease, we’d be foolish not to try. The first step is to gauge your biological age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Medical panel finally admits we need more vitamin D

Despite decades of mounting evidence on vitamin D’s prevention potential, the medical community has held fast to a very meager RDA. But change is in the air, at least for certain people and conditions. Did you make the cut?