
Joyce Hollman

The fitness combo for cancer survival & longevity

“Getting fit” is a generic term that leaves you wondering where to start. This makes it easy: A combo of two types of exercise won’t just get you fit, but has clout for cancer prevention, survival and longevity…

Carolyn Gretton

How to support your longevity organ

While it’s true that genetics can play a role in enjoying life to 100, studies prove your genes are not your destiny. There’s one factor that may give you a leg up in your quest to live long and healthy, and it focuses on one specific organ…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Walk this way to add 11 extra years to your life

Do you need a little incentive to be more active? Who doesn’t? My favorite part of the day is when I get to put my feet up and relax, if only for a short while. But when I learned I could trade some of that time for 11 extra years, I was on board, almost…

Carolyn Gretton

The one thing men lose with age that could shorten their lifespan

Have you ever wondered why women live several years longer than men do? Scientists have, and they’ve been exploring possible causes. And they’ve found a connection between shorter lifespan and loss of this uniquely male characteristic….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The healthy aging secret under our noses

While everyone has been looking for a way to live healthier longer, it appears the simplest answer has been under our noses. A review of dozens of studies shows our favorite drink challenges 7 pillars of aging…

Joyce Hollman

8 steps to slow aging as much as six years

The American Heart Association has a running list on how to achieve optimal heart health. As a nation, we’ve got a lousy score. But an unexpected finding of adhering to this list doesn’t just mean a higher score… it can help you turn your age back as much as 6 years.