
Joyce Hollman

How hungry fat cells starve cancer

Cancer needs fuel to do its dirty work. That much we’ve known, so starving it has been a goal of researchers. A startling discovery found cells in our bodies can gobble up exactly what cancer needs to grow…

Joyce Hollman

Why muscle loss sets off a cascade of unhealthy aging

The loss of muscle mass with age leads to functional decline if it isn’t reversed. But many don’t know that it kicks off metabolic decline and can predict your survival of a critical illness. Here’s why and how best to stop it…

Margaret Cantwell

NAC: The liver’s ally for healthy aging

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid essential for antioxidant production. It’s also a powerful detoxifier. But with NAC, you also gain a powerful ally, capable of tackling multiple threats, including those that come with age…

Joyce Hollman

The berry that boosts metabolism, burns fat and fights flu

Since ancient times, elderberries have been used medicinally and have a reputation for fighting flu. But a regular dose of elderberry juice or tea just may be what your metabolism and blood sugar need to get in gear…

Carolyn Gretton

The one health hack you should do every morning

You’re going to start seeing a lot of New Year’s resolutions. But we already know most of them won’t last. If you want to avoid setting yourself up for failure but want to be healthier and happier, try this one simple thing…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Micro-walks: Short bursts burn more for bigger benefits

If you can bang out close to 10,000 steps a day, more power to you. But there’s a more effecient way to rev up your metabolism and burn 60 percent more calories. This is one health hack that may sound too good to be true, but here’s why it works…