
Joyce Hollman

Red meat’s effects on the heart may have little to do with cholesterol

If your doctor isn’t harping on you to cut down on red meat, everyone else is. Because the age-old wisdom” says cholesterol clogs your arteries and causes heart disease. Well, red meat is a problem, but the culprit that makes it harmful to your heart resides in your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your microbiome affects your athletic performance

What’s bacteria got to do with fitness? A lot. In fact, taking probiotics before working out could be the secret to increased muscle growth. And now there’s proof problems with your gut microbiome can knock you off your game affecting performance too…

Carolyn Gretton

Is E. coli and a bad diet a recipe for colon cancer?

A Western-style diet is linked with a higher risk of colorectal cancer. And separate studies have indicated colorectal cancer could be influenced by a certain type of bacteria. Now, scientists are looking closely at the connection between these two colorectal cancer risk factors…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The microbe shortage spreading disease

The microorganisms that dwell in your gut impact vitals such as blood pressure, immune system development and your risks for more than two dozen other diseases, that they know of at this point. But most of us are running around with an “impoverished microbiome.”

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Proline: Why this amino acid causes depression for some

More than 37 million Americans now take medications for depression. And for far too long experts focused on chemical imbalances in the brain these drugs treat. But another imbalance is proving just as powerful at affecting your mood. And the medicine is much easier to swallow…

Joyce Hollman

The medication increasing inflammatory bowel disease in people over 60

Most people that develop inflammatory bowel disease do so by the age of 30. But IBD is on the rise — and it’s targeting a vulnerable population: folks aged 60 and older. IBD is painful, difficult and debilitating. And if you’re a senior, the risks are even higher…