
Carolyn Gretton

Two factors that weaken your muscles more than aging

We tend to resign ourselves to the fact that as we get older our muscles get weaker and decline is inevitable. But could it be the other way around? When researchers looked at primary aging and something called secondary aging, a different picture emerged…

Joyce Hollman

The daily trick for overcoming pain

Chronic pain can consume you, make you unable to concentrate on work or family, and ultimately keep you from doing things you enjoy. Drugs can be both disappointing and risky. But science says there’s a daily habit for overcoming pain that really works…

Carolyn Gretton

Astaxanthin: The antioxidant that challenges aging

“In the pink” is funny little phrase that’s come to describe someone in the peak of health, maybe because we associate pink cheeks or a glowing complexion with health and vitality. Whether that’s true or not, science shows what’s true about a certain pink nutrient. Discover this amazing antioxidant…

Carolyn Gretton

The little gland that’s key to a lifetime of good health

You probably know more about your thyroid and adrenals than an odd little gland nestled in the chest called the thymus. Considering research believes it could be key to a lifetime of good health, here’s a much-needed introduction to what it does and why it needs your attention…

Carolyn Gretton

The consequences of removing the thymus (and why doctors routinely do)

Experts have long believed the thymus gland, which produces all the immune-boosting T cells the body needs during childhood, was of little use once we got older. Turns out they weren’t just wrong, they were dead wrong — as in “double the risk of death” wrong.

Margaret Cantwell

Black cumin seed and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is considered preventable. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Other conditions can make it harder to reverse, including obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. But there is quite a bit of published research that indicates an ancient seed could help…