Nutritional Deficiency

Joyce Hollman

Brain aneurysm: A not-so-uncommon risk

More of us than you’d think could be living with the threat of brain aneurysm. It may seem like a roll of the dice, but understanding risk factors and how to decrease them stacks the odds in your favor…

Carolyn Gretton

The simple supplement that keeps muscles stronger longer

I never used to worry when I had trouble opening a jar or lifting a package, but these may be signs of age-related muscle loss. I thought I was keeping them strong, but I’d forgotten the mineral that can keep them stronger longer…

Carolyn Gretton

What receding gums signal about this shrinking organ

The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is elusive. But studies that find an association with certain conditions or practices, provide clues for prevention. The more we learn about what causes brain shrinkage, the more we can adopt habits to keep a healthy plump brain as long as possible…

Carolyn Gretton

Twins help reveal powerful reason diet links to depression

For years, the answer to depression has been drugs that often don’t work and lead to depressing side effects. But an 11-year twin study provides unique insight on food’s strong link to the mood disorder…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The vitamin deficiency behind restless legs

Being plagued by restless legs can make a good night’s sleep more than difficult. For far too long, RLS has been a miserable and poorly understood condition. But a link between a common vitamin deficiency and a neurotransmitter that may kick off the RLS cycle is stacking up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What are nasal polyps, why they come back and what to do

Do you live with never-ending congestion and recurrent sinus infections? Feel like you can’t get enough air through your nose? Nasal polyps may be to blame. Your doctor can remove them, but to keep them from returning, do these 2 things…