Nutritional Deficiency

Craig Cooper

Vitamin may solve problem of the little blue pill

The list of possible causes of erectile dysfunction is long, yet one option is often overlooked, and it’s a simple fix. The results of numerous studies have indicated that a common vitamin deficiency can have a significant impact on a man’s sex life…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that halves the risk of melanoma

The common wisdom has been that, other than avoiding the sun and monitoring changes in your skin, there wasn’t much you could do to prevent melanoma, especially if you were at high risk. A vitamin study just changed everything about that…

Joyce Hollman

The one-a-day vitamin that slashed death from cancer

Taking a vitamin once a day seems a simple enough strategy for anyone to stick to. But how many times have you read about the amazing benefits of one vitamin in particular, got started enthusiastically and then just gave up the habit? This is one vitamin you can’t afford not to commit to…

Margaret Cantwell

The unseen damage of vitamin deficiencies: Sacrificing longevity

When it comes to supplements, most doctors say forget them. But nutrition science ignores the fact that most vitamins and minerals are not only needed to maintain daily health, they’re also required for processes that impact longevity. If you’re not taking in enough of the ones on this list, it’s your lifespan that gets cheated…

Carolyn Gretton

The amino acid deficiency tied to heart problems and the nut that fixes it

In Rome, walnuts were considered the food of the gods. Considering what we now know of their exceptional heart health benefits, there’s good reason to hold them in such high regard. But the biggest benefit may come from the nuts special relationship with your gut…

Joyce Hollman

The deficiency setting African American men up for prostate cancer

African American men face a higher risk for prostate cancer. Not only are they more likely to develop the disease, but twice as likely to lose their lives to it. Genetic differences in cellular processing of one very important vitamin are to blame…