Nutritional Deficiency

Margaret Cantwell

CoQ10: Your personal fountain of youth

St. Augustine, Florida, is said to be where Ponce de Leon discovered the legendary fountain of youth. If you’re looking for a lovely vacation, St. Augustine is a great choice. But if you’re looking for your own fountain of youth, how about an option heavier on science than myth…

Joyce Hollman

Proof dietary supplementation is a must

For years, the medical establishment has pushed the idea that supplementing is a waste of money. Will they change their minds after findings that prove food alone can’t compete with multivitamins when it comes to keeping important levels where they need to be…

Carolyn Gretton

Living with Lupus: The vitamin deficiency you can’t afford to ignore

Metabolic syndrome combines insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity for a high risk of heart trouble and stroke. If you have lupus, you may be shocked to find yourself in the crosshairs of this dangerous condition.

Joyce Hollman

Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid

Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid’s potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more…

Craig Cooper

Vitamin may solve problem of the little blue pill

The list of possible causes of erectile dysfunction is long, yet one option is often overlooked, and it’s a simple fix. The results of numerous studies have indicated that a common vitamin deficiency can have a significant impact on a man’s sex life…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that halves the risk of melanoma

The common wisdom has been that, other than avoiding the sun and monitoring changes in your skin, there wasn’t much you could do to prevent melanoma, especially if you were at high risk. A vitamin study just changed everything about that…