Nutritional Supplements

Virginia Tims-Lawson

6 signs you’re deficient in these essential nutrients

In many modern countries, even the U.S. where most people have access to high-quality nutrition, vitamin deficiencies are more common than most realize. That puts wellness at the top of the list… starting with these essential nutrients…

Jenny Smiechowski

High selenium diet increases chance of COVID-19 survival

With COVID-19 going around, you want your immune system to be primed and ready to fight if and when it needs to. That means you should pay a little extra attention to the vitamins and minerals you’re getting daily. A new scientific review shows that high selenium levels could be linked to a higher likelihood of surviving COVID-19…

Joyce Hollman

Experts agree: Dietary supplements can help in the fight against COVID-19

We know that, as of now, there’s no cure for COVID-19 infection. The best defenses have been social distancing and handwashing. But what about nutrition? Now an international team of physician-researchers is advising vitamins and minerals that support immunity in this battle…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘hangover supplement’ with powerful liver protection

I like a glass a wine now and then, but I’m finding my body doesn’t tolerate it as well as it did in my younger days. Luckily, a study has found an herbal remedy may work like a natural hangover drug to not only significantly reduce acute alcohol-related symptoms but protect the liver.

Margaret Cantwell

Can supplements battle COVID-19 or diabetes, cancer, heart and liver disease?

A friend shared information on social media the other day about vitamin C. It could just as easily have been a post about vitamin D… or zinc. Or any nutrient we’ve been told all our lives promotes good health. Then the trolls attacked. How did we get to a place where nutrition is the enemy?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A story about allergies and a racehorse with asthma

Over the years I’ve had numerous occasions where I’ve stopped, clutched my chest and looked at my husband and said, “Am I having a heart attack?” If you knew my family history of heart disease, you’d understand why. But this time, my thoughts went straight to coronavirus…