
Carolyn Gretton

Osteoporosis: The forgotten mineral that lowers the risk

It takes more than calcium and vitamin D to maintain bone health. These popular nutrients tend to take the spotlight, though strong healthy bones depend just as much on important micro- and macronutrients. In fact, a single trace element — and don’t let that word diminish its big benefits — is instrumental in boosting your bone density…

Joyce Hollman

10 factors that increase bone fracture risk

Research has identified 10 factors that, if they apply to you, add up to a 30 percent higher chance you’ll suffer a fracture in the next two decades. Some of them are beyond your control. But there are a few you can address now to prevent broken bones later on.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Why the connection between asthma and osteoporosis?

Asthma can be deadly. The symptoms include coughing, tightness in the chest and wheezing. Because there currently is no cure for asthma, management of the condition is the best our health care providers can offer. However, recent research is proving those treatments can come at a cost…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why your bone health may be a sign of stiffening arteries

Your bone health isn’t something to be taken lightly. A hip break can land you in the hospital, even shorten your life span. But it’s not a heart attack, right? Not so fast. The development of mineral deposits in your arteries, which can lead to arterial stiffness, and bone mineralization share many overlapping processes. That’s why weak bones may be a sign of serious heart trouble…

Jenny Smiechowski

Get toasty to tame your osteoporosis risk

There are plenty of ways to reduce your risk of osteoporosis, a condition that thins and weakens your bones. You can eat calcium-rich foods, practice weight-bearing exercise or take a supplement to bulk up your supply of bone-supporting vitamin D. But there’s one way to take better care of your bones that’s kind of strange — turning up the heat…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why late bloomers may be at higher risk for osteoporosis

If you’re about my age, the beginning of puberty for you was probably a long, long time ago. And, you may be wondering why it even matters now. Well, it matters now, because we’re at the age where our bone strength really matters — a lot.