
Jenny Smiechowski

How olive oil and chocolate keep your arteries clear

Some foods are just made for each other… Beans and franks. Chips and dip. Mac and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly. Spaghetti and meatballs. But nothing’s better than a food pairing that keeps your blood pumping…

Carolyn Gretton

Coffee and tea’s connection to head and neck cancer

Many studies have been conducted to assess whether coffee or tea is linked with head and neck cancer, but results have been inconsistent — until now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Biomarkers prove wine’s heart-supporting benefits

Conflicting reports about the benefits or harms of drinking wine came from studies relying on self-reported data that’s often flawed. But when researchers got serious about the science, it resulted in great news for wine lovers and their hearts…

Jedha Dening

Two kinds of fat your brain needs to reduce stroke risk

Stroke is perhaps the scariest of all vascular conditions. Odds are one in six of us will suffer one at some point. But research says that adding two specific fats to our diets won’t only lower risks for the development of stroke but reduce the severity should one happen…

Joyce Hollman

The exotic fruit that could prevent fatty liver

Fatty liver is fast becoming a growing problem for many Americans. If it progresses, it can turn into a world of hurt. That’s why scientists feverishly look for ways to halt it in its tracks. Adding this exotic fruit to your diet may be the easiest way yet…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that encourages bone growth and blocks bone loss

A Chinese medicinal herb has been shown to not only block bone loss, but encourage bone growth. That’s great news for anyone with osteoporosis. Even better, the active compound responsible for that phenomenal bone support is also found in coffee beans…