Side Effects

Joyce Hollman

An inconsistent link: Cholesterol, heart disease and statins

Doctors prescribe statins to lower “bad” cholesterol and to lower risks for heart attack or stroke. But do we really need to take a drug that can elevate risks for diabetes, liver damage, and neurological and cognitive problems — especially if there is any doubt it’s not at all what it’s cracked up to be?

Carolyn Gretton

The strange side effect of too much ‘good’ cholesterol

You probably already know there are two types of cholesterol: HDL (the “good” cholesterol) and LDL (the “bad” cholesterol). HDL supports heart health and fights inflammation. But, when it comes to HDL, too much of a “good” thing may hurt your bones…

Miguel Leyva

Risky drugs: From bladder trouble to vision damage

For consumers who suffer lifelong side effects after prescription drug use, the question that often arises first is: How could medication approved by the FDA cause them serious harm? A drug used to treat a painful bladder condition is just one example of what happens when the system goes terribly wrong…

Jedha Dening

Cholesterol drugs: Prescription for disease?

When your physician suggests you need to take a medication, you likely trust their advice. After all, they are the medical experts. You’d never expect them to prescribe you a drug that doesn’t work — much less one with links to other deadly diseases. But that’s just what has happened…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The cholesterol drugs giving you cataracts

Lipitor is the biggest-selling drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry, even though the evidence for using statins to lower heart attack and stroke is not as strong as once thought. But, if you’re a statin-taker, you know they do far more than just that…

Joyce Hollman

Is your doctor prescribing you drugs on the ‘danger list’?

There are a few classes of drugs you should be wary of… they can cloud your mind, reduce your abilities and they’re slow to leave your system. That increases risk of injury. What do you do if your doctor prescribes them? Try this…