Skin Care

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Chinese seed extract that can help fight superbug skin infections

Bacteria that live on your skin can also cause serious problems. They can put you at risk for painful, even dangerous, life-threatening infections from drug-resistant superbugs. Luckily, recommendations from a 16th-century text on Traditional Chinese Medicine may have the answer to fighting off skin pathogens…

Joyce Hollman

3 important factors for choosing sun protection against photoaging and cancer

What’s that warm sensation on my skin? Yes, the sun is already beating down in parts of the country and that means you need to be protected from skin cancer and the unsightly damage of photoaging. Choosing what’s safe and works best to keep your skin protected can be confusing. But you’ve come to the right place…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why moisturizing your skin could help prevent chronic disease

If you want to slow the signs of aging, you slather on moisturizer daily to keep your skin looking soft, supple and young. But what if the benefits of moisturizer went more than skin deep? What if moisturizer could fight body-wide inflammation that leads to disease? That sounds outlandish, but research says…

Jenny Smiechowski

The snack habit that sets you up for sun-damaged prematurely-aged skin

The genes that metabolize food so efficiently during the day don’t work that well at night. They think they’re off duty. That means late-night snacking could lead to metabolic imbalances and weight gain. But there’s more to the story than just that…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘coffee treatment’ for rosacea

Research is pointing more and more to the health benefits of our favorite indulgence: Coffee. In fact, we’ve recently found there’s something special about your morning cup that works as a treatment for a distressing skin condition that has no cure…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Answers for age spots and vascular skin blemishes

I often have patients come to me about visible signs of aging. After wrinkles and sagging skin, they’re most concerned about darkened spots and growths, and vascular skin blemishes. If you have these same concerns, I’d like to share with you how I help my patients…