Skin Care

Jenny Smiechowski

What cannabis cream could do for your skin

If you’ve ever suffered from a chronic skin problem or disease, you know that it’s not just physically uncomfortable, it’s psychologically uncomfortable too. You could turn to a popular medicinal herb for life-changing relief from your chronic skin problems… especially those with a strong itch factor.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

11 great ways to use coconut oil

One of my favorite products of all time is coconut oil. I use it daily and think it’s hands-down one of the best ways to improve your health and get clearer, softer, younger-looking skin. Here are several ways, and just as many more benefits, of using coconut oil…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Topical treatments for fine lines and wrinkles

Ultimately, it’s those lifestyle habits, the way you eat and how you treat your body — including your skin — that are the biggest factors to looking and feeling your best… even when it comes to fine lines and wrinkles. But the right topical treatments can go a long way to help…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that slays stubborn psoriasis symptoms

It’s hard to know what to eat… especially when you’re trying to improve a specific disease. Luckily, a new study from French researchers has an answer for you. This study found that the closer psoriasis sufferers followed one particular diet, the less psoriasis symptoms they had…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

6 important sunscreen facts to know before you hit the beach

There’s a lot of false (and deliberately misleading) sunscreen facts on the internet and it’s critical that you know the truth, so you can protect your skin from the harshest rays of the sun. Let’s start with these 6 before you hit the beach…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is any amount of tanning actually safe?

Each year before our beach vacation, I look at my pale Irish skin and wish for a beautiful tan. A friend suggested I start on my “base tan” so I wouldn’t burn and would tan better. But is any amount of tanning really safe? This is what I found…