
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What happens when sleep aids clog the brain’s waste drain

When sleep problems creep up with age, some may turn to sleep aids. But a commonly used sleep drug clogs the plumbing of a little-known brain system, preventing the brain from clearing out toxic waste and potentially leading to cognitive decline.

Joyce Hollman

The bedtime activity for better blood flow and heart health

It’s a big job for the heart to keep your circulatory system working. And as we get older it can get harder to support the healthy blood flow every inch of our body needs. But there’s a way to pump that up so to speak, even when you hit the sheets…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What happens to your body and heart during sleep

Sleep is more than just downtime for your body. When you sleep, the workload on your cardiovascular system catches a break. That’s why the doctor says you should never ignore sleepless nights…

Joyce Hollman

The sleep trigger that could prevent a 2nd heart attack

After a heart attack, it makes sense that you’d want to sleep more. But the need for sleep is more than the physical exhaustion of going through a traumatic health event. It’s a signal for healing that if not heeded could mean a 2nd heart attack…

Joyce Hollman

Sleep longer with this 3-minute activity

Changes to your circadian rhythm that happen with age can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. That in turn, can increase your risk for heart trouble. This easy 3-minute activity can help you beat both…

Carolyn Gretton

The strong connection between naps, hypertension and heart trouble

Evidence is stacking up that napping is connected to heart trouble. If you’re around the age of 60, you’re most affected and need to take a serious look at your blood pressure, how long you sleep at night and how frequent those naps have become…