
Carolyn Gretton

For lowering stroke risk, diet isn’t the answer (this is)

You’ve heard it time and again: eat healthy to protect your cardiovascular health. Yet stroke is the one cardiovascular condition that doesn’t seem to be influenced by diet. So, what can you do? The answer is another lifestyle factor (not exercise) that affects us all at one time or another…

Joyce Hollman

Exercise relieves depression better than medication

Besides a long list of side effects, antidepressants don’t always work, have been linked to dementia and cause weight gain. But according to a comprehensive review, there’s a free solution that works better than medication and the only ‘side effects’ are health and happiness…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to lower your soaring summer stress hormone

There’s this myth about the lazy days of summer being so relaxing. But it looks like stress hormone levels may be far higher in summer than in winter, and that means so is your risk for depression, memory problems and even a heart event…

Carolyn Gretton

Why severe heart attacks occur most often on Mondays

Is there anyone who really likes Mondays? When that alarm goes off early Monday morning, it signals the end of a care-free attitude and hello to whatever business is at hand. It also signals a dangerous time for your heart…

Joyce Hollman

Moderate drinking’s brain-changing effects on the heart

There’s been a lot of conflicting research on the impacts of alcohol on health. But study after study has linked moderate drinking with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. It has to do with a very small part of the brain that has a big job: processing emotions…

Debra Atkinson

16 ways to ‘get in the mood’

One in 10 women experiences a loss of their sexual desire. That’s 16 million women who’ve lost an important part of a healthy life. Maybe you don’t really think it’s a big deal, but there’s something you should know…