
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Need to bring your stress levels down? Look at this now

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. The pandemic set off changes that we still feel the stress of today. But it also set off a flurry of research into how we can relieve it. If you’ve got less than 5 minutes, take a literal look at how fast you can improve your well-being.

Jenny Smiechowski

The best nutrient to stress-proof against leaky gut

Your gut goes through some big changes when you’re under stress. In fact, stress impacts the bacteria in your microbiome, and it may even cause a serious gut issue called leaky gut syndrome. But don’t worry too much (it’ll only make your gut worse!). There’s a way to shield your gut from stress…

Camille Johnson

6 simple principles to crack the wellness code

Living well is an art, not a science. It begins with your health and making choices that lower stress and create satisfaction. From the space you call home to the food you eat, these 6 prinicples can help you make a masterpiece of the art of living…

Carolyn Gretton

10 health consequences of not having sex

It can be deceptively easy to slide into an extended period of not having sex. Life gets busy, you get tired, and sometimes we think we’re just too old. But lack of sex isn’t just a relationship issue: not having sex can negatively impact your health, happiness and well-being…

Joyce Hollman

The trick to using optimism to live longer and better

Research says being an optimist can absolutely add years to your healthspan, the number of years you get to live a healthy, disease-free, productive life. But it depends on when you’re optimistic in response to the stressors in your life — before they happen or after…

Joyce Hollman

Neuroplasticity: Shaping your brain for your best life

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and develop in response to our thoughts and feelings. One neuroscientist shows us how we can fight depression, reduce stress and anxiety and improve the quality of our lives by using a method that rewires the brain to better handle these challenges.