
Joyce Hollman

Alzheimer’s drug’s accelerated approval leads to deadly stroke

Ever hear the expression, “out of the frying pan, into the fire”? In healthcare, that expression could apply when a drug meant to treat a disease carries side effects far worse than the disease itself. That’s exactly the case with a newly approved drug for Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

Laugh away stroke and get happy to lower hypertension

Happiness and laughter do more than make us feel good. These emotions affect our blood vessels and directly impact hypertension risk and heart health. Need proof? See what these studies found out about the emotional connection to these serious health issues…

Joyce Hollman

The trace mineral that slows brain aging and helps after stroke

Selenium plays a role in many bodily processes, including reproduction, thyroid function, and protecting the body from free radicals and infection. But what it can do to slow brain aging got our attention, even in the event of stroke…

Joyce Hollman

For lowest risk of stroke or heart problems, this is when to exercise

The research shows exercise is crucial, from fighting cancer to turning back biological age. If you’re not doing it, you have no one to blame but yourself. Luckily, that research is honing in on findings that can help you make the most of it when you do…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 serious conditions most likely to be misdiagnosed

Over 100,000 Americans die or are permanently disabled each year because of diagnostic errors. How do you prevent a nightmare like this from happening? It’s helpful to know which conditions are most likely to be misdiagnosed in the first place. And lucky for you, a new study just revealed the top three…

Carolyn Gretton

When it comes to aspirin and heart protection, does dose matter?

Using aspirin every day remains part of most therapeutic plans to keep people who’ve already had a heart attack or stroke from experiencing another. But there have been concerns about bleeding. Researchers recently took a look at which dose would be best as far as efficacy and safety, and what they found was surprising…