
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The products releasing hundreds of chemicals into your home

A clean home doesn’t just make you feel good. It can help you stay healthy. But the cleaning products most of us use are proven to emit hundreds of hazardous chemicals, even known carcinogens. Does “green” cleaning help? With one exception…

Carolyn Gretton

The hazard that increases stroke risk in just five days

Air pollution is practically impossible to escape. Everything around us, both indoors and out, is constantly generating gases and particles that end up in the air and our bodies. But there’s an urgent reason to counter your exposure now…

Joyce Hollman

Forever chemicals and testicular cancer: A direct link

Forever chemicals are endocrine-disrupting chemicals and known carcinogens. But some people still need “proof.” They’ve found it, sadly, in a group of men who’ve been diagnosed with testicular cancer at much higher rates than others…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The heavy metal making your allergies worse

Living with allergies, you might think that the sneezing, runny nose, coughing, irritated stomach and more are just a normal part of everyday life. Hold on to your socks. if you’ve noticed they’re worse than they used to be, it’s likely a sign of your exposure to a dangerous and ever-growing heavy metal contaminant…

Joyce Hollman

High urine levels of cadmium linked to endometriosis

Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that is of no use to the human body. It’s a carcinogen, affects blood pressure and induces bone damage. And it’s difficult to avoid. But a large study just found another good reason why women especially should try hard to…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Formaldehyde: This secret summer threat is heating up

When you think about the dangers that come with blazing summer heat, you probably think about dehydration and sunburn. In a big city, you might worry about the pollution making up that thick summer haze. But the heat is also increasing a serious threat in your home right now…