Urinary Tract Infection

Carolyn Gretton

What women should know about pelvic organ prolapse and UTI

Pelvic organ prolapse affects roughly half of all women to some degree. Surgery can relieve its impact on quality of life, but surgery alone may not be the answer to the frequent UTIs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 steps to avoid recurrent urinary tract infections

UTIs have become increasingly difficult to treat since the bacteria that keeps them coming back is resistant to most antibiotics. Instead of fighting infection after infection, three supplements could help you avoid them altogether…

Carolyn Gretton

The one health hack you should do every morning

You’re going to start seeing a lot of New Year’s resolutions. But we already know most of them won’t last. If you want to avoid setting yourself up for failure but want to be healthier and happier, try this one simple thing…

Joyce Hollman

Stopping ‘recurring loop of infection’ can end chronic UTI

Want to make a woman cringe? Just mention urinary tract infection. For the really unfortunate, UTIs can become a chronic problem, recurring over and over. Finally, they’ve figured out why that happens: Doctors have only been treating one body part responsible for harboring the virulent bacteria…

Carolyn Gretton

13 tips to keep you from fretting about wetting

It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to discuss bladder problems. But it shouldn’t be since it’s something that affects us all, men and women, at different times in our lives and for different reasons. So instead of fretting about wetting, give these bladder tips a try!

Joyce Hollman

It’s official: Cranberries keep urinary tract infections away

Centuries ago, Native Americans valued cranberries for bladder health. And like me, you probably grew up with a mom who suggested cranberry juice to avoid UTIs. But science scoffed at this anecdotal evidence, chalking it up to an old wives’ tale. That is, until now…