
Margaret Cantwell

Can supplements battle COVID-19 or diabetes, cancer, heart and liver disease?

A friend shared information on social media the other day about vitamin C. It could just as easily have been a post about vitamin D… or zinc. Or any nutrient we’ve been told all our lives promotes good health. Then the trolls attacked. How did we get to a place where nutrition is the enemy?

Jenny Smiechowski

Does your vitamin D level play a role in your COVID-19 risk?

There’s no denying that vitamin D plays an important role in your immune system. Vitamin D helps regulate immune response and, specifically, helps your body determine when it needs to send out its immune defenders… Can vitamin D reduce the risk and/or severity of COVID-19?

Jenny Smiechowski

Overlapping respiratory infections means your doctor could mistakenly clear you of COVID-19

One of the trickiest parts about the COVID-19 crisis is diagnosis. There are a lot of barriers — the shortage of tests, the severity and variety of symptoms, the overwhelm of the medical community and the fact that one in five people with COVID-19 has another virus that may steal the diagnosis…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘other’ condition that can put you on the danger list for COVID-19 and flu

About 50 percent of the Amerian population fits into a surprising category that could increase their severity of not only flu infection, but also coronavirus. Just like heart disease, diabetes and lung diseases, if you are in this group, take extra precautions…

Margaret Cantwell

These common health conditions can make coronavirus especially dangerous

You may be tired of seeing coronavirus in our headlines… But with information changing every day, we have an obligation to help pass it on. The crisis is now a pandemic, and unlike the flu, anyone of any age is fair game. That’s why you need to know about the common conditions that can make you especially vulnerable to COVID-19…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to avoid catching Coronavirus, flu, or colds on an airplane

Spring break is just around the corner and if you’re thinking of flying, here’s some sobering news: 1 in 5 people who travel on planes will suffer from a cold or flu after the flight. That’s because they are in an enclosed area where some germs can remain for up to seven days. You think those cruise ships had it bad? Think again…