Vitamin D

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that helps cancer-fighting bacteria thrive

Gut bacteria doesn’t just keep your gut healthy, it helps you avoid sickness and disease. One type in particular is showing great promise in not only shrinking cancerous tumors, but eradicating them. And a simple vitamin can help it thrive in your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soak up the sun to ramp up your calorie-burning metabolism

Spending time in the sun isn’t just fun and recreational. It’s a great way to power up your health with the sunshine vitamin. But as if you needed one more reason, it turns out catching some rays has quite an advantageous effect on burning fat and calories…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Optimizing vitamin D gets personal

Vitamin D has a long and enviable list of ways to maintain good health. But there’s a catch: If you’re not getting enough, its preventive benefits are beyond your reach. Research into ongoing deficiencies reveals the complexities of why you may have to get personal to maintain optimal levels.

Joyce Hollman

15 risk factors for young-onset dementia

When dementia hits before 65, it’s considered young-onset and may have strong genetic ties. But if epigenetics has taught us anything, it’s that genes don’t reign supreme, and scientists have identified 15 factors that can make all the difference.

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin your spine needs the most to battle disc degeneration

If you live in the northern hemisphere, you’re most susceptible to a vitamin deficiency that can have far-reaching health consequences, mostly involving your bones. If you’re a woman that makes you especially vulnerable to a perfect storm that sets you up for disc degeneration…

Joyce Hollman

Vitamin D’s ties to autoimmune and age-related fatigue

You might feel fatigued after a long day of activities or a long night of poor sleep. But if daily fatigue is your constant companion, the cause may be a condition that’s zapping your energy or a vitamin deficiency — or both.