Vitamin D

Joyce Hollman

The ties between vitamin D and dementia thicken

Little has been researched more than vitamin D’s relationship to brain health. In fact, a search of medical databases will pull thousands of hits on this dementia repellent. So why do researchers keep going back for more? If there could be a magic pill, vitamin D may be the closest we get…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Optimizing vitamin D gets personal

Vitamin D has a long and enviable list of ways to maintain good health. But there’s a catch: If you’re not getting enough, its preventive benefits are beyond your reach. Research into ongoing deficiencies reveals the complexities of why you may have to get personal to maintain optimal levels.

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that could turn prediabetes around

Prediabetes is a silent sign diabetes isn’t far behind. Watching weight, blood sugar and cholesterol could help you avoid it. But if you find yourself in prediabetes limbo, like 10 million other adults, researchers say a common vitamin could be a big help…

Joyce Hollman

15 risk factors for young-onset dementia

When dementia hits before 65, it’s considered young-onset and may have strong genetic ties. But if epigenetics has taught us anything, it’s that genes don’t reign supreme, and scientists have identified 15 factors that can make all the difference.

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin your spine needs the most to battle disc degeneration

If you live in the northern hemisphere, you’re most susceptible to a vitamin deficiency that can have far-reaching health consequences, mostly involving your bones. If you’re a woman that makes you especially vulnerable to a perfect storm that sets you up for disc degeneration…

Joyce Hollman

When that burning and tingling in your feet is a warning sign

When I read, I sit with one foot tucked under me. If I sit this way for too long, though, I end up with that “pins and needles” feeling in my foot. But when I start walking around the sensation goes away. But if pins and needles, or a burning sensation in your feet, is something you experience frequently without knowing why, that’s a whole other story…