Vitamin K2

Margaret Cantwell

The vitamin that fights a common contributor of unhealthy aging

Longer lifespans have researchers scrambling for answers on how to keep an aging population healthier. One vitamin has emerged that many experts agree may be useful for several chronic conditions featuring a common denominator afflicting North Americans as we age…

Joyce Hollman

Say goodbye to nighttime leg cramps

Nothing jolts you awake like a leg cramp. Sometimes they’re associated with a serious condition. Other times, they strike from too much or too little exercise. Say hello to this vitamin and goodbye to the pain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

2 steps to beating hypertension even if you’re overweight and over 55

There are a number of things that can cause your blood pressure to go up. But two of the most common contributors are age and weight. A new study has found a two-step system can significantly lower blood pressure even if you’re over the age of 55, overweight or obese…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When erectile dysfunction is a three-alarm warning for your heart

Erectile dysfunction is a subject most men don’t want to talk about. After all, many men take it as another sign, along with laugh lines and a receding hairline, that they’re just getting older. But if you’re experiencing problems in the bedroom that you’ve been ignoring, the results of a study of over 95,000 men in Australia may be a wake-up call for you…

William Davis

Vitamin K2: 3 reasons it helps you live your best life

Since its discovery, scientists have uncovered five different compounds that make up the vitamin K family. And one of the most compelling is vitamin K2. Discover three reasons this one nutrient can help you live your best life.