7 food additives to always avoid

Following these simple guidelines will help you eat better and eliminate unhealthy ingredients.

After excluding some of these additives from your diet, you may notice that you feel better, too. If your headaches, allergies and bowel troubles end after changing your diet, your problems may have been caused by additives in your processed foods.

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Dr. Geo Espinosa

By Dr. Geo Espinosa

Dr. Geo Espinosa is a naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist and certified functional medicine practitioner recognized as an authority in holistic urology and men’s health. He is Clinical Assistant Professor and holistic clinician in Urology at New York University Langone Medical Center. As an avid researcher and writer, Dr. Geo has authored numerous scientific papers and books including co-editing the Integrative Sexual Health book, and author of the best selling prostate cancer book: Thrive, Don't Only Survive.