7 superfoods to watch for (slideshow)


Organ meat as superfood? Yes! Liver, heart, brain … ask anyone to eat these and the answer today would probably be “Yuck!” even though they were staples of the hunter-gatherer diet because they have the most nutrients. Citicoline is one of those, generally found in the liver or brain. It helps with memory retention, among other brain functions. It is also known to improve visual function in patients with glaucoma.

Don’t be surprised to find many of these showing up on grocery store shelves. One thing to remember is that packaged often means processed. So if you see any of these, remember to look at the label to make sure you’re getting what you’re paying for.

Read: The best cut of meat you’ve never tried

Cara McCarthy

By Cara McCarthy

Cara McCarthy has been working in the natural health industry since 2010. She studied Marketing Communications at the University of Mississippi. Her goal is to provide people with the information they need to live the healthiest, happiest lives possible.