9 places where the healthiest people live (slideshow)

4. Rural Northern Indians have low rates of Alzheimer’s

While more than 5 percent of adults older than 65 are affected by Alzheimer’s disease in the United States, an area in rural northern India has a rate of only 1 percent.

While it’s possible that this extremely low percentage is the product of poor diagnostic methods or genetics, other explanations come from Dr. Andrew Weil, who has suggested the liberal use of turmeric in the diet may have a role; and Dr. Michael McGregor, who notes that the diet of this population is high in carbohydrates, grains, fats, and beans and low in meat.

Peak Golden Oil

The golden-colored oil of the Nigella sativa plant contains compounds essential for a healthy immune system. That explains why it was documented in the oldest medical writings. But we don’t just rely on history to prove the therapeutic benefit of… MORE⟩⟩


Read: The mystery substance that protects your brain

Craig Cooper

By Craig Cooper

Craig Cooper is a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author, and TV host of CNBC's "Adventure Capitalists". He is an “Ambassador” for both the global men’s health foundation “Movember” and 2XU, the performance sportswear company. He is the author of the Harper Collins book “Your New Prime: 30 Days to Better Sex, Eternal Strength, and a Kick-Ass Life After 40“. Follow Craig on Instagram @craigcooperrrr and Facebook.