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Jenny Smiechowski

Not a veggie fan? Eat just this ONE for clearer arteries

Most people with atherosclerosis don’t know they have it until artery-clogging problems show up, like stroke or heart attack. So, what can you do to steer clear? Eat the one vegetable that reduces vascular calcification.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Depression can bring on physical illness 30% faster

Depression is considered a mental condition. But a new look at how it affects us in middle and old age has revealed it should be viewed as a “whole body” condition that multiplies and accelerates the development of physical illness.

Carolyn Gretton

How your parents may have increased your stroke risk by 60%

Let’s start with what’s shocking about the fact that there’s a 50% chance your parents inceased your risk of stroke as an adult by 61%: It’s not hereditary. It’s not something they passed from their genes, but it’s just as unintentional…

Joyce Hollman

Brain aneurysm: A not-so-uncommon risk

More of us than you’d think could be living with the threat of brain aneurysm. It may seem like a roll of the dice, but understanding risk factors and how to decrease them stacks the odds in your favor…

Carolyn Gretton

Palm oil’s toxic trait that fuels MS

Palm oil is a high-yield/low-cost crop, making it ideal for processed foods and a nightmare for health. Research into MS discovered its toxic trait: triggering mitochondrial damage that helps fuel brain inflammation…

Carolyn Gretton

A signal before stroke and dementia

Short telomeres are linked to diseases of aging, including a recently added trio of brain conditions. But researchers now think this biomarker of cellular aging may not be the cause, but part of the remedy if we heed it…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Aspirin: A high-risk gamble or perfect prevention?

Innocuous little white tablets, perfect for a headache and a blood thinner anyone can grab at the drugstore. But it turns out an awful lot of us don’t realize the true scope of aspirin’s dangers or benefits and for whom which is which.

Margaret Cantwell

Cancelling the mercury threat in tuna

Toxic metals, like lead and mercury, cause brain damage, heart problems and kidney dysfunction. Abundant in daily life, the threat is real, but the news is good: Mercury can be manufactured out of our favorite nutrient-rich fish.

Carolyn Gretton

Alzheimer’s protection as simple as breathing

Inflammation is believed to contribute to the growth of amyloid plaques, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s in the brain. Breathing an inert gas has been found to clear them right up. Could an inhaler-like treatment be the answer?

Joyce Hollman

How 43 years of eating meat affects your brain

Red meat. Talk about a love-hate relationship. Nothing new right? But it might be time to pay attention to what 43 years of data shows it can do to our risks for cognitive decline and dementia…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Forever chemicals: Hijacking genes to kill brain cells

We’re all intimately familiar with forever chemicals, whether we like it or not. They disrupt hormones, health and increase disease risk. But what they do when they cross into the brain is the most sinister of all…

Joyce Hollman

How red light signals ‘stop’ to reduce blood clot risk

Blood clots to help control bleeding. But it’s not always the protective mechanism it should be, and the danger is rarely discovered before it’s too late. But for those at higher risk, a new therapy could work…