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Joyce Hollman

Rewind the clock on your brain’s age

Time marches on, but you don’t have to join the parade. Research is stacking up, in one area in particular, that it’s more than possible to slow down how old your body feels and acts. And the organ that runs the show is where to start…

Carolyn Gretton

Astaxanthin: The antioxidant that challenges aging

“In the pink” is funny little phrase that’s come to describe someone in the peak of health, maybe because we associate pink cheeks or a glowing complexion with health and vitality. Whether that’s true or not, science shows what’s true about a certain pink nutrient. Discover this amazing antioxidant…

Joyce Hollman

Move over, blueberries: Strawberries are the new superfruit for your brain

You can’t open an app these days without reading about the superfood status of blueberries. But what if you’re not a fan of that tiny bitter berry? Good news! Here’s why the strawberry is fast rising to the status of superfruit…

Carolyn Gretton

The fungus that causes Alzheimer’s-like brain changes

We all have this fungus in our bodies. But for the most part, it isn’t a problem until it starts to grow out of control. When that happens, we’re in for a world of hurt in various parts of the body — especially when it crosses the blood-brain barrier…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How beer can beat back a common stroke syndrome

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never thought of drinking beer as a healthy habit. But there’s no denying it contains a powerful compound that just might be the answer to a dangerous metabolic condition affecting one-third of Americans…

Carolyn Gretton

5 micronutrients Alzheimer’s brains are missing

With Alzheimer’s on the rise, experts are exploring every angle to slow the disease’s progression. Drugs have been disappointing, but nutrition is another story. Researchers just identified five key nutrients found in normal brains, but missing in brains affected by Alzheimer’s…


Jenny Smiechowski

This common virus more than doubles Alzheimer’s risk

Some viruses don’t go away when your symptoms do. They stick around silently for years and can put you at risk for serious diseases in the future. And now research shows a group of common viruses may double your risk of Alzheimer’s…

Carolyn Gretton

Is your ‘true age’ increasing your stroke and dementia risk?

Most of us don’t worry about health problems till we’re older, when disease risks can skyrocket. But If your body’s biological age is older than your birth certificate shows, you can face higher stroke and dementia risks much sooner…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that offers protection against Parkinson’s disease

With no definitive causes and or gold-standard treatments, living with Parkinson’s encompasses medications that help manage symptoms but hold little hope for disease progression. As far as Parkinson’s prevention, we’ve been left out in the cold. Until now…

Joyce Hollman

Parkinson’s: The gut-brain link grows stronger

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease. Or is it? Research is showing that it may all begin with an immune system attack that likely starts in an organ far from the brain. That means a cure might be in our near future…

Carolyn Gretton

Stressed or depressed? Your Alzheimer’s risk may be 4 times higher

Stress can do a number on our bodies — including our brains. It can even affect our ability to form memories. But does that mean stress can cause dementia? Researchers set out to answer that question, and it’s concerning…

Joyce Hollman

Another major study confirms: Multivitamins slow cognitive decline

Clinical trials have already shown multivitamins can help reduce cognitive decline. Now findings not only confirm they can improve memory performance by years, but why people with heart problems should be especially excited about this research…