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Brain Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Best for a sharp brain: Crossword puzzles vs. high-tech games

Certain activities help stimulate the brain to keep it running like a high-performance race car. That’s why there are plenty of sophisticated web-based cognitive games specifically designed to improve those skills we need to keep our independence. And then there are crossword puzzles…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Wine vs beer: One of these carries a higher stroke risk

Although it’s long been known that heavy drinking can significantly raise the risk of stroke, little research has looked at the effects of moderate to low consumption to determine if there really is any safe level. That’s all changed thanks to a worldwide study that gives us new insight…

Carolyn Gretton

Why avoiding alcohol entirely may be bad for the brain

With dementia on the rise, experts are looking closer at known risk factors that lead to the devastating illness. One, alcohol use, has been hotly debated. Some studies say it harms, while others were not so clear. International research including almost 25,000 participants may finally have the answer…

Joyce Hollman

The minimum amount of steps to lower dementia risk

10,000 steps a day seems like an impossible goal. And luckily, we’re finding you don’t have to really walk that much to get real-world benefits. Want to make a singificant dent in your dementia risk? You’ll be glad to know you can take that number way down…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The aluminum-Alzheimer’s connection grows stronger

Everyday items we come in contact with can impact our health. One of those is aluminum, long associated with breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. As a theory, it’s controversial, but researchers find it wrapped up in brain tau tangles. Do you know all the ways you’re exposed to it?

Joyce Hollman

How to keep night shift from dragging your health down

Night shift workers are prone to health risks based on the fact that their work hours are in direct contradiction to their circadian rhythm. From higher BMI to depression, these conditions can drag health down fast. Is the solution as easy as when to eat?


Carolyn Gretton

The after-stroke danger to be aware of: ‘Sticky’ blood vessels

It’s well-known that stroke can cause damage to the brain. But once the stroke is treated, it seems logical that the damage would stop there. Unfortunately, researchers have discovered a process deep within your body that can lead to more destruction. But it may be possible to dial it back…

Jenny Smiechowski

The surprising food that supports your aging memory most

Memory problems are often considered an unavoidable consequence of old age. “Senior moments” are an expected and even comical part of getting older. We create memes, books and birthday cards about them. But even though most of us can laugh about it, you don’t want it to happen to you…

Joyce Hollman

Lutein and zeaxanthin: Protection far beyond your eyes

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids known for supporting vision health. That’s why mom made sure you ate your carrots. But even mom didn’t know then that this duo’s protection could go far beyond, extending benefits from your brain to your bones and more.

Jenny Smiechowski

To protect your brain, watch where you get your calcium

The older you get, the higher your risk of developing osteoporosis. And taking a calcium supplement can help curb that risk. But, it turns out, taking a calcium supplement for healthy bones could put another crucial body part at risk…

Joyce Hollman

When sound drives you crazy: Misophonia, tinnitus, phonophobia and more

Do certain sounds make your skin crawl? Do you anticipate with dread that one repetitive sound that you know could push you over the edge? Or do you hear constant noise that has no external source? You may be suffering from one of these conditions — and you’re not alone…

Joyce Hollman

Your stress score could increase cancer risk almost 2.5 times

Stress signals the body to produce the hormone cortisol at times when you need it, like to meet a deadline. But chronic, ongoing stressors that never allow your cortisol to ‘come down’ cause wear and tear on your body at a biological level. And that’s only good for cancer…