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Brain Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The macronutrient that improves cognitive function fast

Glitches in cognition are unsettling, even if doctors say not to worry. It’s hard to know what the future holds. But supporting brain health with a macronutrient that’s validated to improve things fast, is easy.

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that slowed aging and reduced dementia risk

Diet is the foundation of heart and metabolic health. But for dementia, the focus has been on how specific nutrients affect the brain. Now, decades of research tells us slowing the body’s pace of aging should be part of the strategy, and the diet that does it…

Joyce Hollman

The bad side of good cholesterol linked to Alzheimer’s in women

Deciphering cholesterol readings can be complex but we all know HDL is the good stuff, or so we thought. For women, menopause can help bring out the bad side of HDL that could lead to the first sign of Alzheimer’s…

Carolyn Gretton

The berry that takes down triglycerides and LDL

It’s America’s favorite berry because we love the taste. Now research shows if you’re having trouble managing your triglyerides and LDL, you have another good reasons to eat them…

Joyce Hollman

Who’s most at risk for skimping on omega-3s?

The essential omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with healthy aging throughout life, helping to promote a healthy-functioning brain and heart. But as important as they are throughout life, they need to be there at the beginninng too…

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke among sour health risks of a sweet tooth

Indulging a sweet tooth occasionally seems harmless. But having a penchant for sweets, especially when sugars hide where we least expect them, can raise several markers for serious trouble, particularly stroke.


Joyce Hollman

The good and the bad: Drinks that impact stroke risk

Strokes seem to strike from nowhere. But in truth the risk of having one doubles every 10 years after age 55. Bad habits take it higher. But all of us know someone seemingly hit by one out of left field. Or was it? It could have been their favorite beverage.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Symptoms that can increase women’s dementia risk 74%

Alzheimer’s is almost twice as common in women, which makes identifying female-specific risk factors vital. Especially since experts estimate 40 percent of cases can be prevented or, at the least, delayed. These are the symptoms that need urgent attention…

Carolyn Gretton

Brain’s blood vessels reveal path to halt cognitive decline

There’s nothing “mild” about mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to dementia. Early detection may slow it but that’s relied on ruling out other conditions. But blood vessels in the brain reveal clues on how it could be prevented…

Carolyn Gretton

Move over coffee: Tea lowers dementia risk too

We’ve known for a while that coffee has loads of health benefits, especially for the brain. But what about tea? Well, it’s time for tea lovers to celebrate, because their beverage of choice looks to be just as good for the brain as that cup of joe…

Joyce Hollman

The conversation clue that signals cognitive decline

Who hasn’t had a little trouble sharing some particulars in a conversation? Maybe you lose your train of thought. Maybe you can’t find the word you’re looking for. Surprisingly, neither of these signal cognitive decline like this conversation clue…

Joyce Hollman

The connection between dementia and the shingles vaccine

Discussing vaccines can put people on opposites ends of the spectrum, but if you’re somewhere in the middle and you’ve been thinking about the shingles vaccine, a growing connection to dementia may be the deciding factor for you…