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Joyce Hollman

What eating yogurt does to your colon cancer risks

Health benefits are linked to fermented foods, the most popular of which may be yogurt. If you eat it regularly, you’re risk may be lower for a type of colon cancer tumor known for poor survival rates.

Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that kept prostate cancer from worsening

For older men, prostate cancer is a real concern. About 6 in 10 diagnoses are in men 65 or older. But research into food as medicine has revealed why one food can slow or prevent it from getting worse.

Joyce Hollman

The fitness combo for cancer survival & longevity

“Getting fit” is a generic term that leaves you wondering where to start. This makes it easy: A combo of two types of exercise won’t just get you fit, but has clout for cancer prevention, survival and longevity…

Carolyn Gretton

An extra glass to keep colorectal cancer at bay

Milk, a source of calcium, is said to do a body good. But calcium, which promotes good bones, muscle function, heart health and more, may also be a big help in lowering the risk for a particular cancer on the rise…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that helps cancer-fighting bacteria thrive

Gut bacteria doesn’t just keep your gut healthy, it helps you avoid sickness and disease. One type in particular is showing great promise in not only shrinking cancerous tumors, but eradicating them. And a simple vitamin can help it thrive in your gut…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that helps keep cancer from coming back

There’s just something about the world’s most popular beverage. And this time it’s too good to pass up, especially if you’re a colon cancer survivor or just looking for that special ingredient to live your longest best life…


Joyce Hollman

How hungry fat cells starve cancer

Cancer needs fuel to do its dirty work. That much we’ve known, so starving it has been a goal of researchers. A startling discovery found cells in our bodies can gobble up exactly what cancer needs to grow…

Joyce Hollman

The processed food ingredient found in cancer tumors

Chronic inflammation increases cancer. But in the case of colorectal cancer, something else very disturbing is happening. A common ingredient in processed foods has been found inside tumor cells, fueling their growth…

Carolyn Gretton

More omega-3, less omega-6 could slow prostate cancer

Omega fatty acids are essential, but for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer, there’s been some controversy. However, the right balance looks very promising for men who’ve been put on the watch and waitlist.

Joyce Hollman

7 cancers that may lead to warning on alcohol labels

The United States Surgeon General has called for a cancer warning on alcohol labels, similar to what we’ve seen on cigarettes. The reason? These 7 cancers and how much or how little can increase their risks…

Carolyn Gretton

How weight-loss surgery takes down pancreatic cancer risk

It’s no wonder some people living with obesity turn to bariatric surgery. Aside from weight loss, the procedure has far-reaching impacts on other areas of health — including a particularly deadly type of cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Colonoscopy: Is every 10 years really necessary?

Whether your rite of passage was at 50 or 45, anyone who submits to a routine colonoscopy is informed they’re expected to repeat the procedure every 10 years. Now for some good news: some of us may get a reprieve…