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Joyce Hollman

What you should know about vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia after Alzheimer’s. Its causes and risk factors are different from AD, its symptoms show up differently, and it’s much more under our control. Symptoms of vascular dementia can vary. Here’s what to watch for and how to identify your risk…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Stress and sleeplessness triple risk for a hypertensive disaster

We’ve all heard high blood pressure called the “silent killer.” And, unfortunately, I’ve seen how deadly it can be in my own family. But, sometimes, it’s not just the hypertension you have to worry about… Two common factors can compound the threat to triple the risk of cardiovascular death.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why these 3 herbs battle high blood pressure

Plants make potent medicine. Our ancient ancestors knew it. And modern scientists know it (why do you think most medications have their roots in plants?). Still, many folk remedies get written off as hogwash. That’s why it’s especially exciting when research can pinpoint the mechanism behind a plant’s medicinal power…

Amanda Luft

Two of the simplest ways to lower blood pressure

Chronic hypertension increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to dementia, vision loss and kidney disease. That’s why it’s so important to take steps to lower high blood pressure and keep it in a healthy range. Medication can help, but you’d be surprised how well these simple hacks work…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should never use mouthwash after exercise

Exercising is one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure. In fact, getting more exercise can lower your systolic blood pressure as much as some medications. That’s empowering. But before you rest all your hopes of taming your blood pressure on your exercise regimen, you need to know…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why there’s a very good chance your blood pressure reading is wrong

Blood pressure is one of the most important predictors of complications like heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. But we’re learning that getting an accurate BP reading is a slippery slope… even when your blood pressure is taken by professionals. If you rely on a few readings a year during doctor visits to feel safe, this information is urgent for you…


Joyce Hollman

Focus on your waist, not weight, to beat diabetes and heart disease

High blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, excess body fat, and elevated blood sugar are all part of metabolic syndrome. You may be surprised to learn your doctor is probably not doing nearly enough to help you avoid it. That’s concerning enough that new guidelines have been developed…

Jenny Smiechowski

The blood pressure myth that could mess with your heart

Decades of research showed that high systolic blood pressure was more likely to cause serious cardiovascular problems. So cardiology guidelines focused way more on the upper number. There are even some experts who think diastolic blood pressure can basically be ignored. That’s advice that could kill you.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The best home blood pressure monitor

What’s happening with your blood pressure outside of the doctor’s office has a significant impact on the medicine you’re prescribed. Which is why when I see a patient with high or borderline blood pressure readings, I advise them to start keeping track of their numbers at home. At that point, the questions start…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The common denominator behind obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes

People who regularly get less than seven to eight hours of shut-eye each night are at higher risk of heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, stroke, and even dementia. But there’s one more sleep factor that can compound that damage if you don’t control it…

Joyce Hollman

Tight blood pressure control may be key to closing door on dementia

When researchers looked at the relationship between elevated blood pressure and the chance of developing dementia, the connection wasn’t as easy to pin down. But there was one finding that stood out, and that has real implications for the rest of us who want to lower our dementia risk…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Just one night of bad sleep can blow up your blood pressure

Many factors contribute to high blood pressure, but most of us wouldn’t think about sleep quality as part of that equation. Think again! How well you sleep is more important to maintaining healthy blood pressure than you’d ever expect. Just look at these results after just one night of tossing and turning…